Raise your grill game

This season’s white-hot barbecue trends...
Vegetarian and vegan barbecue options are no longer an afterthought, with many chefs applying tried-and-tested techniques such as marinating and smoking to plant-based foods. Root veg such as carrots and beetroot benefit from a soak in punchy flavours before hitting the grill, while delicate green spears and pods require a lighter touch – dress these after cooking. Use a marinade that will contrast with the flavour of the vegetables: pair zippy citrus with carrots and sweet potatoes, and spices with mellow peppers and onions.
Pair zippy citrus with carrots, and spices with mellow peppers and onion”
Before chillies were introduced to Africa in the 1500s, pepper was the go-to ingredient for adding tongue-tingling depth of flavour. So get creative and make use of black, white, pink or green peppercorns when making marinades or salads. Sichuan pepper or a grinding of Waitrose Cooks’ Ingredients turmericwith peppercorn will also add interest.
Add extra flavour by smoking the meat at the same time”
You may have heard the term ‘low and slow’ in relation to barbecuing meat; it generally refers to cooking a large piece or a tougher cut for a long time at a low temperature, until it is irresistibly soft and pulls apart easily. This may seem intimidating, but once you’ve set up the grill, the meat largely looks after itself – which can be easier than cooking everything to order. Add extra flavour by smoking the meat at the same time – just add soaked wood chips to the coals while it slow-cooks.
If the words fruit and fire bring to mind hastily chocolate-stuffed bananas, it’s time to refresh your repertoire. While the banana has an undeniable retro charm, many more possibilities await the bold. Stone fruits work particularly well over coals, holding their shape while softening and caramelising: think plums, nectarines and peaches (click here for some recipe inspiration). Pair with contrasting salty flavours such as feta, plus herbs such as basil and tarragon, to create sumptuous salads.
Forget sad side salads; it’s time to be braver with your greens!”
Forget sad side salads; it’s time to be braver with your greens! Sturdy leaves such as little gem lettuce and pointed spring cabbage, as well as salad-friendly veg such as Tenderstem broccoli take on a new dimension of flavour with a lick of smoke. Simply rub with a neutral oil, season and grill until those frilly leaves develop deliciously charred edges and the insides are yieldingly soft.
When it comes to barbecue ideas, look beyond the USA – there are so many other countries to learn from. Flavours and techniques from the Middle East and North Africa are popular; try chilli-and-cumin kebabs or charred onions with sumac. West African flavours are also an emerging trend; suya, or chichinga, as it’s known in Ghana, is a street food with slender skewers of spiced meat.
A great barbecue doesn’t have to be complicated”
‘Reverse searing’ is a cheffy trick for beef or lamb – you just need a meat thermometer. Gently slow-cook (or oven-roast) the meat, then sear it over high heat, ensuring a cooked core and caramelised crust. Roast beef at 60-100ºC until the inner temperature is 46ºC; season with salt and sear on the grill to form a dark bark. Rest until the core is 50-55ºC.
No need to chop and prep – embrace the benefits of keeping things whole. Tough skins and outer layers can protect veg on the grill, then be removed before serving to reveal deliciously tender insides. Vegetables really can be elevated to a whole new level this way. Simply cook them whole on the coals, then peel back the charred skins and you’ll have naturally sweet, smoky vegetables. Leeks, aubergines, peppers and carrots all suit this method beautifully.
A great barbecue doesn’t have to be complicated; it’s all about using the heat to release the inherent characteristics of each ingredient. With seafood, this means beautifully crisp skin on a mackerel fillet, say, or gently cooking a whole fish like bream until tender and juicy. If you find your fish sticks to the grill, you’re turning it too soon: wait for it to unstick itself – or simply use a fish basket.