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Health decoder: HYDRATION

  • Food
  • 24.09.24
Words Waitrose 24/09/24

Remember the days when water was either tap or bottled? Plain old H2O now jostles in a crowded market alongside protein and alkaline water, flavoured and vitamin options, luxury mineral varieties and ‘hydration’ drinks. Instagram is awash with tips for hitting your water target (again often by adding flavours); while on TikTok, there’s even a dedicated hashtag, #WaterTok.


It’s simply the process of replacing the water our bodies lose in sweat and urine, and through our skin and breath. Water carries nutrients to vital organs, keeps joints lubricated, supports brain function and regulates temperature. It accounts for around 60% of our body weight, so it’s vital we get a sufficient amount.


There’s a lot of confusion about this. The NHS recommends 6-8 cups – around 1.2 litres – of fluids per day. (If it’s hot or you’re extremely active, pregnant or breastfeeding, you might need to drink more.) But water isn’t our only choice when it comes to staying hydrated.

Nearly all the fluids we drink contain water, so they all count towards the recommended intake (except alcohol, which is dehydrating). Contrary to popular belief, tea and coffee do count towards your total. Although they’re caffeinated and can make us produce more urine, a moderate 4-5 cups per day doesn’t seem to affect hydration levels. Many foods also contain water – especially fruit and veg – which is factored into the recommendation.


Drink regularly throughout the day and make habits out of it. For example, have a glass when you get up, with every meal and while watching TV. Add slices of fruit or cucumber if this makes it more appealing. “Plain water is usually the best way to hydrate,” says Partner & Waitrose nutritionist Joanne Lunn. “But there are some really great choices out there for people who are looking for a bit of extra flavour or additional health benefits that don’t involve consuming lots of extra sugar or calories.”

Just remember to check the labels. “Some of the waters that have additional vitamins and/or minerals are almost like a liquid supplement, but they can come with extra sugar too,” Joanne adds.


Yes. Although very rare, it is possible to drink so much water that your sodium levels fall to dangerously low levels – for example, during endurance exercise or extreme ‘detoxing’ regimes.

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