Waitrose - UAE Grocery Deliver

Waitrose - UAE Grocery Deliver

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Bang bang chicken salad

  • Serves 5
  • 40 minutes

Bang bang chicken salad

40 minutes
Prep Time40 minutes
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For the dressing, put the nut butter, soya sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, lime juice, honey and ginger in a large bowl and whisk with a fork until smooth and thick. Whisk in 3 tbsp cold water, 1 tbsp at a time, until combined. Season and set aside.


Cut the cucumber, carrot, peppers, red cabbage and salad onions into small pieces. Chop or tear the chicken into bitesized chunks and roughly chop the coriander. Add the chopped veg, chicken and coriander to the dressing bowl. Toss well to coat and combine, then transfer to a serving platter or bowl. Scatter with the nuts and extra coriander, then drizzle over a little extra sesame oil to serve.

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